23 Dec DigiVET Research in Romania
The lack of digitalization in education was considered a problem in Romania even before the pandemic hit and its importance is recognized by the teachers and trainers we talked to....
The lack of digitalization in education was considered a problem in Romania even before the pandemic hit and its importance is recognized by the teachers and trainers we talked to....
Which are the needs regarding digital education for teachers and trainers in VET schools and institutes in Italy?...
Many changes have occurred in the world of employment and vocational training during the 1990s. Globalisation, as well as scientific and technical advancements, are altering our perceptions of education.
...Which competences for #VET professionals are necessary to cope with the upcoming challenges in online teaching and training?
...As a result of the COVID-19 emergency on teaching and online teaching, VET professionals in Italy remarked a series of outcomes that were more or less unexpected. The map of key words shows the different outcomes and the weight (smaller or bigger)...
The DigiVET Project addresses the current challenges ofthe VET sector emerged from the transition to the digital era. We invite you to check out our first newsletter to find out about our project activities.
...The Kick-off meeting took place online on the 14th of April 2021. The project and its work packages were presented to the group by the participants. After discussing all aspects of the project, the partners gained a better understanding of the roles and...